SeqAn3 3.3.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
seqan3::common_tuple< Types > Class Template Reference

A std::tuple implementation that incorporates most changes from C++23's standard library. More...

#include <seqan3/utility/tuple/common_tuple.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for seqan3::common_tuple< Types >:

Public Member Functions

Default constructors and assignments.
 common_tuple ()=default
 common_tuple (common_tuple const &)=default
common_tupleoperator= (common_tuple const &)=default
 ~common_tuple ()=default
Construct from arguments.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (UTypes &... other)
 Constructs from arguments.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (UTypes const &... other)
 Constructs from arguments.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (UTypes &&... other)
 Constructs from arguments.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (UTypes const &&... other)
 Constructs from arguments.
Construct from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (common_tuple< UTypes... > &other)
 Constructs from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (common_tuple< UTypes... > const &other)
 Constructs from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (common_tuple< UTypes... > &&other)
 Constructs from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (common_tuple< UTypes... > const &&other)
 Constructs from common_tuple.
Construct from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (common_pair< UTypes... > &other)
 Constructs from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (common_pair< UTypes... > const &other)
 Constructs from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (common_pair< UTypes... > &&other)
 Constructs from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (common_pair< UTypes... > const &&other)
 Constructs from common_pair.
Construct from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (std::tuple< UTypes... > &other)
 Constructs from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (std::tuple< UTypes... > const &other)
 Constructs from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (std::tuple< UTypes... > &&other)
 Constructs from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (std::tuple< UTypes... > const &&other)
 Constructs from std::tuple.
Construct from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (std::pair< UTypes... > &other)
 Constructs from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (std::pair< UTypes... > const &other)
 Constructs from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (std::pair< UTypes... > &&other)
 Constructs from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple (std::pair< UTypes... > const &&other)
 Constructs from std::pair.
Assign from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (common_tuple< UTypes... > &other)
 Assigns from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (common_tuple< UTypes... > const &other)
 Assigns from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (common_tuple< UTypes... > &&other)
 Assigns from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (common_tuple< UTypes... > const &&other)
 Assigns from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (common_tuple< UTypes... > &other) const
 Assigns from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (common_tuple< UTypes... > const &other) const
 Assigns from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (common_tuple< UTypes... > &&other) const
 Assigns from common_tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (common_tuple< UTypes... > const &&other) const
 Assigns from common_tuple.
Assign from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (common_pair< UTypes... > &other)
 Assigns from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (common_pair< UTypes... > const &other)
 Assigns from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (common_pair< UTypes... > &&other)
 Assigns from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (common_pair< UTypes... > const &&other)
 Assigns from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (common_pair< UTypes... > &other) const
 Assigns from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (common_pair< UTypes... > const &other) const
 Assigns from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (common_pair< UTypes... > &&other) const
 Assigns from common_pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (common_pair< UTypes... > const &&other) const
 Assigns from common_pair.
Assign from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (std::tuple< UTypes... > &other)
 Assigns from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (std::tuple< UTypes... > const &other)
 Assigns from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (std::tuple< UTypes... > &&other)
 Assigns from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (std::tuple< UTypes... > const &&other)
 Assigns from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (std::tuple< UTypes... > &other) const
 Assigns from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (std::tuple< UTypes... > const &other) const
 Assigns from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (std::tuple< UTypes... > &&other) const
 Assigns from std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (std::tuple< UTypes... > const &&other) const
 Assigns from std::tuple.
Assign from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (std::pair< UTypes... > &other)
 Assigns from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (std::pair< UTypes... > const &other)
 Assigns from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (std::pair< UTypes... > &&other)
 Assigns from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tupleoperator= (std::pair< UTypes... > const &&other)
 Assigns from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes &> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (std::pair< UTypes... > &other) const
 Assigns from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (std::pair< UTypes... > const &other) const
 Assigns from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (std::pair< UTypes... > &&other) const
 Assigns from std::pair.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_assignable_v<Types const, UTypes const> && ...)
constexpr common_tuple const & operator= (std::pair< UTypes... > const &&other) const
 Assigns from std::pair.
Conversion to std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<UTypes, Types &> && ...)
 operator std::tuple< UTypes... > () &
 Converts to std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<UTypes, Types const> && ...)
 operator std::tuple< UTypes... > () const &
 Converts to std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<UTypes, Types> && ...)
 operator std::tuple< UTypes... > () &&
 Converts to std::tuple.
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && (std::is_constructible_v<UTypes, Types const> && ...)
 operator std::tuple< UTypes... > () const &&
 Converts to std::tuple.
- Public Member Functions inherited from std::tuple< Types... >
operator= (T... args)
swap (T... args)
tuple (T... args)

Private Types

using base_t = std::tuple< Types... >
 The underlying std::tuple type.

Private Member Functions

base_t const & as_base () const noexcept
 Returns the common_tuple as the underlying std::tuple type.
base_tas_base () noexcept
 Returns the common_tuple as the underlying std::tuple type.
template<typename tuple_like_t , std::size_t... N>
 common_tuple (tuple_like_t &&other, std::integer_sequence< size_t, N... >)
 Constructs by unfolding another tuple-like object.


Comparison operators (common_tuple)
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::equality_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator== (common_tuple const &lhs, common_tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs and rhs are equal. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::equality_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator!= (common_tuple const &lhs, common_tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs and rhs are unequal. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator< (common_tuple const &lhs, common_tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs is less than rhs. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator<= (common_tuple const &lhs, common_tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs is less than or equal to rhs. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator> (common_tuple const &lhs, common_tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs is greater than rhs. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator>= (common_tuple const &lhs, common_tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs is greater than or equal to rhs. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::three_way_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend auto operator<=> (common_tuple const &lhs, common_tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Performs a three-way comparison between lhs and rhs More...
Comparison operators (std::tuple)
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::equality_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator== (common_tuple const &lhs, std::tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs and rhs are equal. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::equality_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator!= (common_tuple const &lhs, std::tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs and rhs are unequal. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator< (common_tuple const &lhs, std::tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs is less than rhs. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator<= (common_tuple const &lhs, std::tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs is less than or equal to rhs. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator> (common_tuple const &lhs, std::tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs is greater than rhs. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator>= (common_tuple const &lhs, std::tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Checks whether lhs is greater than or equal to rhs. More...
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::three_way_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend auto operator<=> (common_tuple const &lhs, std::tuple< UTypes... > const &rhs)
 Performs a three-way comparison between lhs and rhs More...

Detailed Description

template<class... Types>
class seqan3::common_tuple< Types >

A std::tuple implementation that incorporates most changes from C++23's standard library.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~common_tuple()

template<class... Types>
seqan3::common_tuple< Types >::~common_tuple ( )


Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator!= [1/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::equality_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator!= ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
common_tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs and rhs are unequal.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA common_tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator!= [2/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::equality_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator!= ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
std::tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs and rhs are unequal.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA std::tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator< [1/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator< ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
common_tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs is less than rhs.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA common_tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator< [2/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator< ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
std::tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs is less than rhs.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA std::tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator<= [1/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator<= ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
common_tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs is less than or equal to rhs.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA common_tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator<= [2/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator<= ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
std::tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs is less than or equal to rhs.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA std::tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator<=> [1/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::three_way_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend auto operator<=> ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
common_tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Performs a three-way comparison between lhs and rhs

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA common_tuple with possibly different element types.
An ordering indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator<=> [2/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::three_way_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend auto operator<=> ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
std::tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Performs a three-way comparison between lhs and rhs

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA std::tuple with possibly different element types.
An ordering indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator== [1/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::equality_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator== ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
common_tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs and rhs are equal.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA common_tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator== [2/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::equality_comparable_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator== ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
std::tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs and rhs are equal.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA std::tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator> [1/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator> ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
common_tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs is greater than rhs.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA common_tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator> [2/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator> ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
std::tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs is greater than rhs.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA std::tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator>= [1/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator>= ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
common_tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs is greater than or equal to rhs.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA common_tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

◆ operator>= [2/2]

template<class... Types>
template<class... UTypes>
requires (sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes)) && requires { requires (std::totally_ordered_with<Types, UTypes> && ...); }
constexpr friend bool operator>= ( common_tuple< Types > const &  lhs,
std::tuple< UTypes... > const &  rhs 

Checks whether lhs is greater than or equal to rhs.

Template Parameters
UTypesThe types of the elements of rhs. Automatically deduced.
lhsA common_tuple.
rhsA std::tuple with possibly different element types.
A bool indicating the result of the comparison.

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